Advantage Diets
Your Personality Approach to Healthy Living
“Know your type to improve your life”

Sleep is Like a Computer Reboot

Sleep is Like a Computer Reboot
In the February 2017 issue of Time magazine, there was an article called “The Sleep Cure” by Alice Park.  With my having insomnia, I knew this was an article I had to read.  Was there something in it suggesting ways to easily fall asleep without any sleep aids?  Would her article corroborate...

Are Wearable Fitness Trackers Helping Us to Be Healthier?

Are Wearable Fitness Trackers Helping Us to Be Healthier?
Last year I got a Fitbit, more for tracking what I was doing than for encouraging me to do more exercise.  I’ve always been good about doing floor exercises in the morning and getting out for a walk as often as possible (which reminds me, I need to go for a walk when I get done posting this!). ...

Northwest Tea Festival 2016

Northwest Tea Festival 2016
Even though Seattle may be known for having a Starbucks on almost every corner, we’re also big tea drinkers. (You have to be with our gray winters!) I love tea as much or more than coffee, so I went to the Northwest Tea Festival to learn more about tea. I attended a number of lectures and workshops,...

Thanks FDA for the New Nutrition Labels

Thanks FDA for the New Nutrition Labels
FDA Finally Makes Some Changes Too bad things move so slowly when the health of a country is at stake.  Finally, the FDA approved some changes to the new nutrition labels that must take effect by 2018.  Keep your eye out for the new Nutrition Facts panel on packaged foods.  These should make a major...

The “Right” Way to Weigh In

The “Right” Way to Weigh In
  Clever way, I’d say!  The results will amaze you.  But seriously, what is the “right” way to weigh in?  People ask me, “Should I weigh myself every day?” There are two answers to that question and it depends upon who you are. For structured people, there’s...