Advantage Diets
Your Personality Approach to Healthy Living
“Know your type to improve your life”

You’re an ENTJ

Extravert, iNtuitive, Thinker, Judger

(Don’t miss reading about your Attributes, Strengths, and
general description of your type at the bottom of the page.)

Intuitive Living for the ENTJ


For the ENTJ
for the ENTJ
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  • Analytical and logical
  • Objective
  • Live by rules and standards
  • Like to be in control
  • Assertive
  • Outspoken
  • Good communicator and leader
  • Perfectionist
  • Persevering
  • Ambitious
  • Strong drive and ego
  • Rarely accept things as they are since you believe everything can be improved
  • Future-oriented
  • High-energy
  • Need for closure
  • Decisive
  • Insightful
  • Need for novelty and variety
  • Need proof to change your mind, especially logical proof
  • Enjoy a good challenge
  • Competitive
  • Intellectually curious


  • Organization problem-solver
  • Leadership skills
  • Logical
  • Good at prioritizing and organizing
  • Good at long-range planning
  • Can foresee problems
  • Group brainstorming
  • Creative
  • Synthesis and hypothetical thinking
  • Strategic planning
  • Can see the big picture
  • Can be tough when necessary
  • Appear calm in a crisis
  • Hardworking
  • Enjoy challenges
  • Productive
  • Decisive
  • Persistent
  • Strong sense of responsibility and duty
  • Good at follow-through
  • Synthesis thinking
  • Commitment
  • Able to see consequences of the immediate situation, especially as pertains to others and the environment
  • Leadership skills

As an Extravert you look for stimulation outside of yourself – you’re energized by the crowd. You’ll look to activities involving people or things. Your interests are many, though you tend not to explore them in depth. Your best thinking is done while talking.

As an iNtuitive you tend to pay attention to your instincts or “gut feel”. Compared to the Sensor, you could say you listen to your “sixth sense”. The world of the iNtuitive is the future or the “what might be”. Change is paramount for the iNtuitive.

As a Thinker you take an analytical and logical approach to making decisions. With that, you can see the consequences of taking certain actions, which helps you in the decision-making process. It’s easier when there are accepted rules on which to base the decision.

Being a Judger doesn’t mean you’re judgmental. It means you like your life planned and structured. When making a decision, it is done quickly so you can move on with your life. To you, it is better to start and finish a project, then start and see it sit on a shelf too long. Your life seems to be governed by “should” and “ought”.

This is only a brief look at your type. There is so much more to learn.
Select the books that fit your needs.

Just Remember:

  • Even though we favor one preference over another within a category, we are able to use all of the preferences.
  • Personality type can explain some behaviors – but not all.
  • Don’t try to box someone in by type.  Variations exist within each type.
  • There are no good or bad types.
  • Don’t use type as an excuse for doing or not doing something.
  • Situational factors may influence the way we express our type.
  • Type creates a bias in how we speak, listen and respond.  Becoming aware of that bias allows us to compensate.
  • Type does not measure amount of preference or ability.
  • Type makes us aware of our “gifts”.
  • Type helps us become aware of the “gifts” of others.

Your Book Feedback / Your Story

When you get done reading the book(s), please return to this page to share with others what you thought about “Your Personality Diet” and/or “Intuitive Living”, including any examples of how you used what you learned.  With your help, others can also learn how they can make lasting changes in their life.