Advantage Diets
Your Personality Approach to Healthy Living
“Know your type to improve your life”

Simplify Your Life
with Personality Type

Make your complicated life a thing of the past. It’s time for the simple life! This book honors WHO YOU ARE to help you decide what is really important in your life. Learn how to answer the powerful and empowering question, “IS IT WORTH IT?” using the Z-Pattern of Decision-Making.

With this book and its accompanying workbook, the simple and meaningful life is within your reach!

Do any of the following words and phrases give you a sense of the peace and joy that would come from simplifying your life?

  Here’s to the GOOD Life –
the Simpler Life:
  Say goodbye to:
 Lack of clutter
Free time
Setting own priorities
Quiet time
Too much clutter
Being out-of-         balance
No free time
No me-time
No meaning in life
Lack of joy
Lack of peace








The HOW of achieving a state of simplicity has always been a challenge for people. Every day, we hear someone saying, “I’m so stressed out. I just don’t have the time for that.” Or, “I said ‘yes’ to make them happy, when I should have said ‘no’ to make me happy.”

The Answer for finding the Simpler, Less Complicated Life

“I believe I’ve found the answer to our problem – a way to find a simpler life. (I say “our” problem because I, Roberta Wennik, also have suffered with a cluttered, complicated, and time-consuming life – and I have not been totally happy with it. In fact, I started writing this book just for myself and said, unless this approach worked, I wouldn’t publish it.  Ta-da!  It works!)  

Because we’re all different, getting to simplicity can’t be done using a cookie-cutter approach. Whether it’s Marie Kondo’s Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, where we’re supposed to rid ourselves of everything that doesn’t bring joy (like a hammer, which, of course, is ridiculous) or Greg McKeown’s Essentialism, where you have to become a minimalist to be happy (What happened to the American Dream?), those concepts or philosophies don’t work for everyone.  What those authors, and many like them, propose is what has worked for them, without any consideration for WHO WE ARE.

That’s why I say, there’s a better way, a way that honors who YOU are.  Being a practitioner of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®, an assessment tool for personality type), I found the perfect fit between one’s type and how to achieve the simple life.  It takes into consideration who you are, what you want, and what you need.

 As you’ll see in the book, clutter isn’t just about your environment or that you own too many things.  Clutter happens in six areas of your life, which are addressed in the book: Things Clutter, Mind Clutter, Financial Clutter, Job Clutter, Relationship Clutter, and Activities Clutter. Learn how to deal with them all.

You Deserve the Best

Much as people may say “I want it all” and “I can do it all”, it’s just not realistic or possible.  Sorry!  We only have so much time, energy, and money (or whatever way you may measure the worth of something).  But we can have the “best” of it all by answering the most powerful and empowering question—Is it worth it?—for every action, thought, or feeling we have.  I guarantee that the state of harmony and bliss that so many of us long for is within reach by learning to use the Z-Pattern of Decision-Making.  This approach incorporates the four preferences of type.  By its very nature, it’s a way that’s tailored for each of us as individuals.

It’s All About Who
You Are

If you’re not familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, it’s a tool that has helped millions of people worldwide find out more about themselves, why they behave the way they do, and how they interact and communicate with other people.  I’ve taken the concept of type even further by showing you how to use it to simplify your life.  Don’t know about type?  You’ll learn it here and more.  There’s an in-depth discussion of type in this book, as well as a personality questionnaire for those who don’t know their type (or, having taken it, don’t remember the results).

The four basic preferences that make up personality typing — Sensing, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Feeling — provide the foundation for the decisions you’ll make to the all-important question, Is it worth it?

Once you learn how to answer that all-important question, you’ll become empowered, having no regrets when you:

1.  Get rid of things
2.  Say “no” to someone or something
3.  Take time for yourself
4.  and so much more.

In other words, choose the
life you want!

Look Inside

Download the e-Book Now

The Workbook is a Word document that allows you to type your answers directly into the Z-Pattern of Decision-Making  framework. Because Amazon won’t allow a Word document download,

Download the Workbook Here.

Testimonials and Praise

” Is It Worth It? is a must have book for finding the solution to a challenging complicated life and learning to make the necessary choices to live a more simplified life.  It’s a fun, easy to read, self-help-self-understanding book that gives you the tools you need to clear up the clutter and simplify your life. It’s all about who you really are. There’s no reason to worry about anything once you learn what’s important to you and what’s not.

I read Is It Worth It? because I’m at the point in my life where I’ve been there, done that and have lots of stuff to show for it. I was in denial about being a hoarder and having piles of stuff all over the house. Self-help books work best for me as I can read them on my own time and they are definitely reasonably priced therapy.

Author and Certified Myers-Briggs practitioner Roberta Schwartz Wennik guides you through the process of finding the answers you’ve been looking for.  The first step is to take the Personality Profile Questionnaire (PPQ) to identify your personality type. All of the 16 possible personality types are named and described. There is an easy to read chart for each type that lists attributes, assets, challenges, and stressors. Realizing my challenges and stressors are key to helping me achieve the simplified life.

While reading through the results and categories of preferences, I thought this book was written about me. It served as my wake-up call — I learned about balance in life, understood stress, and how to move forward to determine what really matters so I can get out of my own way.  Decision-making is now much easier because I have a better understanding of how decisions are made.  I put all of the information together and now know what I need to do to achieve my goal of a de-cluttered, simplified life where decision-making will be a breeze.”

Debra Indorato RDN LDN CLTFood and Nutrition Consultant

“When you think of clutter, your mind probably goes to the stack of papers in your home or office. However, clutter goes deeper than that.  Roberta Schwartz Wennik in her book, “Is It Worth It,” describes the clutter that infiltrates six areas of our lives in addition to “things.” Clutter also shows up via Mind, Financial, Job, Relationships, and Activities. Based on our personality type, which Ms. Wennik has the reader determine through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator through a Personality Profile Questionnaire, we can understand how we make decisions and value aspects of our lives in order to de-clutter with success. This book gave me an understanding of other aspects of life that need un-cluttering, and was inspired to do so while working within the understanding of my personality type.”

Beverly S Price, RD, MA, E-RYT 200, C-IAYT, CEDRD-S — Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian and Certified Yoga Therapist

“I am a go-getter, say yes, take on more and try harder personality so this book was a breath of fresh air! It reminded me that to simplify means to do what really matters in life and that it is okay to let go of all the things I “should do” because someone else thinks it is important. Roberta did a great job encouraging freedom to be who you were created to be and learning what simplicity looks like for your personality. I appreciated her perspective of discovering more about yourself to determine what matters and what can go. I was also helped by her realistic approach to the stages of change and giving permission to be where you are and when you are ready to more forward. It gives the reader actual steps to walk ahead in life and not just a guilty conscience for one more thing they should be doing! Great book and certainly worth your time and energy!”

Esther White MS, RDN, LD — Nutrition, Fitness and Essential Oils Consultant

“This is what I’ve been waiting for.  Such a useful book and easy to apply.  It was better than what I was expecting.  Simple and clear.  The source of a renewed lifestyle? … Clutter support! And with immediate results! Thanks, Roberta.”

Xavier Clerfeuille, MBTI I and II Expert

“Roberta Wennik has done it again with her latest book, Is It Worth It? – Simplify Your Life with Personality Type! She is an expert on the Myers Briggs and explains the best way to simplify your life based on your personality type. No wonder her advice works—it’s tailored to YOU! Advice books can sometimes be too general, but by focusing on personality type, you really do get “personalized” recommendations that work. Her guidance is easy to follow.  I loved reading about my ENTJ strategies to simplify my life. “

Jennifer McGurk, MS, RD”

“As an ESFJ, I like systematic and realistic approaches to life. Or so I learned with this book. I often have a horrible time making decisions, and the Z-pattern of decision described making makes SO MUCH SENSE. I’ve always found that the MBTI has a lot of practical applications, however I had yet to be encouraged to use it outside of a professional setting. While humans are much more nuanced than 4 little letters can describe, figuring out your personality type and how it can apply to simplifying and decluttering your life has many benefits. Of course there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to life simplification and the author easily makes the case that it shouldn’t have to be.

It’s a quick read and it completely changed my thought process – honestly (ESFJs are nothing if not honest…well, honest if it’s good news anyway :-)!). And who doesn’t like learning a little bit more about themselves?”


“I read the book carefully and then went back to see how I could implement your ideas.   I think this can be an effective  method to resolve numerous issues that confront me daily, sapping my emotional and intellectual energy.  The use of  Z -pattern problem solving makes it easier to answer the question “is it worth it?.”  Just answering this question can simplify life, relieve guilt and frustration and provide more moments of happiness.”

Sarah B.

When my friend, Roberta, asked me to review her book, I was happy to accept, even though I had several things “on my plate.” I like to help people and saw this “stretch goal” as a way to help Roberta. After reading the book, I find that I helped myself as well; an unintended consequence.

Roberta’s book is well written and well researched, leaving the reader with lots of opportunities for further research and learning. I especially like the conversational tone. Having spoken many times with Roberta, I can hear her voice speaking to me throughout the book. She took some rather complex concepts and explained them, and let me know why I should care.

I have recently experienced some major changes in my life and am fortunate that I have either de-cluttered, or am in process of de-cluttering my life. I didn’t plan it; it just happened. I do, however, make choices on a daily basis that are not in my best interest. I have let the trivial aspects of life supersede the vital few.

A prime example of this is letting daily chores associated with keeping my new home clean and well-ordered at all times take priority over daily exercise and planning my diet. I realize that I am in the “don’t rush me, I’m thinking about it stage,” and I have been there for several months, even though I know better. I have been letting chores, favors for others, interesting TV programs, checking Facebook to keep up with friends and family, and any number of other bright and shiny activities take priority over exercise, which I like, after I get started. This is probably mind and activity clutter, according to the book.

Roberta suggests that we use the Z-pattern of decision-making to help decide “is it worth it”? This process encourages us to use senses that are not usually in the comfort zone for our personality type. Using my thinking and intuiting senses, I reinforced what I already knew but was “forgetting.” Exercise and diet are worth it for my well-being. I have moved from thinking about it to doing it. Hopefully, this is not willpower but a reasoned approach to setting lifetime healthy priorities. Thank you, Roberta.”
Jane B.

“I finally realized that what I was looking for was meaning in my life.  I found it with the help of this book.”

“Because of who I am and my personality type, saying ‘no’ used to be very hard. I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings.  This approach finally gave me the freedom to do what’s good for me and respond to requests in a way that took away the guilt of saying ‘no.’”

“Thanks to this book, I finally have addressed all areas of clutter in my life.  I used to think clutter was just about having too many things laying around.  I now appreciate that clutter happens not only with too many clothes and knick-knacks, but in my finances, relationships, and the activities I pursue.”

“I didn’t believe that such a simple question, ‘Is it worth it?’, could be so powerful.  But, believe me, it is.  I’ve now learned to say ‘no’ and ‘not worth it’ to many things that would otherwise now be cluttering my life.”

“I’ve never seen my life so clearly as I do now.  I used the workbook for a short time to familiarize myself with the approach.  Happily, the approach is now a part of me.  I don’t do anything until I’ve fully answered the question, “Is it worth it?”

“Our over-scheduled lives were destroying our family. It seemed everyone was going in their own direction.  We were losing our family bonds because we no longer were doing family things.  We started to measure what each person was doing using the question “Is it worth it?”, and we slowly dug ourselves out from a life of doing it all to a life of doing what was important to all.”