Advantage Diets
Your Personality Approach to Healthy Living
“Know your type to improve your life”

All posts by Roberta Schwartz Wennik, MS, RDN

Why Are You Eating That?

January 15, 2025
Why Are You Eating That?
Choose the answer that best applies: Because I like it. Because it was there. Because my friend was eating. Because I don’t want any leftovers.   I’m sure that we can agree that none of those answers took into account what you’re eating or how much you’re eating. Had you...

Is Your Personality Type Making You Fat?

September 2, 2022
Is Your Personality Type Making You Fat?
Because we’re human, we ask questions. When it comes to being overweight, there are many questions such as: “Why am I overweight?  “When did it actually happen?”  “What can I do to lose the weight?”  And if you’ve already tried to lose weight and haven’t succeeded in keeping it off...

Losing Weight with Ikigai

January 4, 2022
Losing Weight with Ikigai
Seeing that it is the beginning of the year, I thought it was a good time for us all to think about what we want to see for ourselves in 2022.  No question, I’m sure, that everyone wants to get back to a more normal life.  The COVID virus won too many battles last year.  And, of course, if you’re...

Putting the Brakes on Fast Thinking with the MBTI®

March 23, 2021
Putting the Brakes on Fast Thinking with the MBTI®
After reading Daniel Kahneman’s latest book, “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, I saw how clearly his work regarding fast thinking and slow thinking aligns with personality typing based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®).  As a dietitian and practitioner of the MBTI®, I’ve always wanted...

Personality Type and COVID

December 28, 2020
Personality Type and COVID
Those familiar with the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) will recognize that, of the various preferences that make up personality typing, Sensing and iNtuiting are probably having the most influence on how people are dealing with the COVID virus. To quickly find out if you have Sensing or iNtuiting...

Intuitive versus Instinctive

September 1, 2020
Intuitive versus Instinctive
What do these words have in common?  The definition of “Intuitive” is what one feels to be true, without the need for conscious reasoning.  On the other hand, being “Instinctive” is doing something automatically. What these have in common is the concept that no thought is necessary....

Lessons Learned From a Mayonnaise Jar

April 7, 2020
Lessons Learned From a Mayonnaise Jar
You may have seen this story before, but I thought during these stressful times, it’s worth reading it again.  I’m sorry I can’t give attribution as it was sent to me by a friend. When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember...

Is Obesity Contagious?

April 1, 2020
Is Obesity Contagious?
I’ve been watching the television series, “Networld”, hosted by Niall Ferguson.  If you haven’t seen it, check out whether you can view it on-demand.  It was on PBS.  Ferguson points out that such companies as Facebook and Google have been so successful because of social networking.  For...

What to Eat…and Why

March 18, 2020
What to Eat…and Why
I was reading the book, “How to Eat”, by Thich Nhat Hanh (I do recommend it for anyone who needs to learn to enjoy what they eat instead of fearing it), and he asked two boys why they eat breakfast.  The first boy replied, “To get energy for the day.”  The other said, “The purpose of eating...

The New Year’s Resolution of All Resolutions

December 27, 2019
The New Year’s Resolution of All Resolutions
Just as many will raise a glass of bubbly on New Year’s Eve and toast to a good year had and hope for a good following year, many are also making New Year’s resolutions.  The problem with resolutions is they’re like what Mary Poppins said in the movie of the same name — “They’re...