Actually, it is possible that your personality made you eat it. People who live in the moment and are spontaneous tend to live by the “instant gratification” rule: “When I want it, I will have it”. They don’t stop and think of the consequences of eating foods that are high in fat, calories, sugar, sodium, cholesterol. You get the picture.
Can these people change? Most definitely. They have to start using the opposite preference to their favored “in the moment” preference. That means starting to think of the “what might be”. Asking such questions as “Will I be healthier for not eating that doughnut?” Can I plan out what I eat for the rest of the day if I do eat that doughnut so as to offset the calories and fat in that doughnut?
Never eating favorite foods will be counter-productive. That’s grounds for a binge some time in the future. Just know yourself well to deal with situations that involve food. Find out what your type is and get healthy!