Chapter 1: About Type
Chapter 2: Getting To Know the Preferences
Chapter 3: How We Naturally Make Decisions
Chapter 4: Your Type’s Shadow Side
Chapter 5: The Optimal Z-Pattern of Decision-Making
Chapter 6: The Why-I-Gained-the-Weight Blame Game
Chapter 7: The Power of Words
Chapter 8: To Eat or Not To Eat?
Chapter 9: Is It Worth the Calories?
Chapter 10: To Exercise or Not to Exercise?
Chapter 11: To Relax or Not to Relax?
Chapter 12: Having Grit
As the saying goes, “you can’t tell a book by its cover.” Click here to get a sample taste of what you’ll find in the book.
Don’t forget to take the personality quiz to get the Intuitive Living just for your type.
I hope you now see how much you’ll learn from Intuitive Living. I’ve been involved with personality typing since 1991. I’ve seen so many people succeed at achieving their goals done in a way that is comfortable for their type. This book shows you how to be in control of your life. If not now, then when?
All the best,