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Tag Archives: nose hunger

What Are You Hungry For? – Nose Hunger

September 1, 2011
What Are You Hungry For? – Nose Hunger
Last time I wrote about Eye Hunger. Today, I’m going to be discussing Nose Hunger, adding one more petal to our “Types of Hunger” Flower. Don’t deny it! If you smell something being barbecued or you pass a bakery and a waft of cooking cookie dough comes your way, all of a sudden...Read more

What Are You Hungry For? – Eye Hunger

August 22, 2011
What Are You Hungry For? – Eye Hunger
Right now I’m eating caramel corn from a bag I bought at the fair the other day. It was just sitting on my desk begging to be eaten. Am I actually hungry? No. But my eyes are. Unfortunately, we often eat for other reasons than pure hunger. Check out my “Hungry Flower”, each petal representing...Read more