Advantage Diets
Your Personality Approach to Healthy Living
“Know your type to improve your life”

Tag Archives: decision-making

Why Are You Eating That?

January 15, 2025
Why Are You Eating That?
Choose the answer that best applies: Because I like it. Because it was there. Because my friend was eating. Because I don’t want any leftovers.   I’m sure that we can agree that none of those answers took into account what you’re eating or how much you’re eating. Had you...Read more

Putting the Brakes on Fast Thinking with the MBTI®

March 23, 2021
Putting the Brakes on Fast Thinking with the MBTI®
After reading Daniel Kahneman’s latest book, “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, I saw how clearly his work regarding fast thinking and slow thinking aligns with personality typing based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®).  As a dietitian and practitioner of the MBTI®, I’ve always wanted...Read more

The New Year’s Resolution of All Resolutions

December 27, 2019
The New Year’s Resolution of All Resolutions
Just as many will raise a glass of bubbly on New Year’s Eve and toast to a good year had and hope for a good following year, many are also making New Year’s resolutions.  The problem with resolutions is they’re like what Mary Poppins said in the movie of the same name — “They’re...Read more

The Art of Simplifying Your Resources

October 16, 2019
The Art of Simplifying Your Resources
Talk to any carpenter or building contractor and they’ll tell you that there’s always another tool they feel they could have in their tool box.  If they just had a particular blade or sander, their job would go much more smoothly and quickly.  So they get another toy.  But, one day they’ll...Read more

10 Resolutions for Successful People

December 31, 2013
10 Resolutions for Successful People
Instead of creating the “to-do” list, make a “what-not-to-do” list of things that are draining your time. When you find yourself doing anything on that list, refocus. Always do the top priority things first. Even though a lower priority item may take less time and make you feel...Read more